Tactics: Two-Man Team CQB Tactics (Part #1):
Photo Credit: DoD photo by Staff Sgt.

Alright…here’s what most of you have been waiting for: CQB/room clearing tactics with diagrams. The first thing I’m going to say is that these are strictly my versions of tactics for room clearing. Everyone will have a little bit different way of doing them. Some claim their way is the best, and that’s great, but I’m a firm believer in “whatever gets the job done, efficiently and you still have all of your guys/team-mates in the end, is a good plan.” So I don’t want to receive any hate mail saying that this and that are wrong. I’m not trained in the military or any law enforcement fields so my ways are probably not be the best ways, but they have worked, and worked successfully, for me in the past. So with that said, let’s get to the article.
For Part #1, I will be discussing two-man units. These are probably the most easiest to complete, yet the hardest in some aspects because your team has only two people which means each individual has to cover more then they would if there were more people; and you all know that in CQB, it’s a lot easier to get shot then it is in outdoor areas...usually Over the next few articles, I will discuss three, four, and maybe multiple fire-team tactics for CQB.
Let’s do a little review. If you remember what I said in our second issue of U.S.A.S.O.C. - The Only Free Online Airsoft Magazine(http://www.officialusasocmagazine.com/), you will remember there is a method for completing close quarters combat missions. It was the “AFS” method (Aggressive, Fast, while using Stealth). Remember to also have a general plan laid out before going in: individuals assigned to certain positions such as the point-man, the scout, the riflemen, the team leader, the rear guard, etc. The more you can do beforehand, the better the mission will usually go.
Basic Four-Corner Room with One Entrance:
We’re going to start with the basic room. It has four walls and only one entrance. This could be a bedroom, bathroom, etc in a real world situation.
This is your standard four-wall room. It has one primary entrance. For this instance, we’ll say there are either no windows, or for some reason, the entry team can’t go through them. The photo above is step #1. You want to stack up on either side of the entrance, preferably, the side with the most cover. I don’t think I need to explain why. For this case as well, we are assuming there are no rear threats.
In photo #2, these are the first actions taken by the fire-team. The black unit immediately scans the entire room upon entering. His main fire sector should be where the blue area is: between the right top corner and the right bottom corner. Now the fire-team needs to act like one person meaning that both individuals should be entering the room within milliseconds of each other. As you can see, the red unit’s fire sector should be from the left top corner to the center of the room. This is an easy way to clear a whole room very quickly and accurately if done right.
Photo #3 shows the following movements of the fire-team. The black unit should advance to the right bottom corner covering the right top and bottom corner of the room. Red unit should move to the left top corner while covering the center/right top corner.
In photo #4 (above), this is the only stopping place that the fire-team should’ve stopped at. Everything up to this point should have taken no longer the five to fifteen seconds, depending on the size of the room, what’s in the room, etc. That’s why CQB is very dangerous, and you really need to know what’s going on at all times. As you can see, black unit has stopped in the right bottom corner while covering the right top sector, while red unit has stopped in the left top corner while covering the right top sector as well.
And in photo #5, both units turn their attention to the entrance way again.
I hope you enjoyed this brief look at one way to enter/clear a room with a two-man team. Each week, I will be providing new articles on CQB tactics among other things. To see all of U.S.A.S.O.C. tactical articles, and more, go to http://www.officialusasocmagazine.com/ and download any of our issues for free. We usually have 100+ pages in them so enjoy!
All of this content (Wording and Photos) are copyrighted by U.S.A.S.O.C. You may copy and use them as long as you give credit to U.S.A.S.O.C.
If you have anything on tactics or things relating to tactics and want to see them in U.S.A.S.O.C., email them to: usasoc_themagazine@hotmail.com or visit: www.officialusasocmagazine.com.
If you have anything on tactics or things relating to tactics and want to see them in U.S.A.S.O.C., email them to: usasoc_themagazine@hotmail.com or visit: www.officialusasocmagazine.com.
Whuaahhhh tambah rajin aja nie :)
nice blog
very nice blog
Very interesting read. And I appreciate that you included diagrams for readers to understand clearly.
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