One of the most commonly asked questions in reference to maintaining an airsoft electric gun (AEG) concerns airsoft lubrication. For the purpose of this discussion we will focus on three common areas of an airsoft gun that need lubrication. The three airsoft lubrication areas are: Barrel & Hop Up, Gearbox, and external parts.
Barrel and Hop Up:This is the part of the gun that needs frequent airsoft lubrication. BBs moving through the hop up and out the barrel produce wear, requiring periodic airsoft gun lubrication. The rule of thumb for lubrication of the hop up and barrel is once every 4000-5000 airsoft rounds. Additionally, if your airsoft gun has been in storage for 6 months or more, you’ll want to lubricate it as the airsoft hop up rubber dries out during long periods of non-use.
How to lubricate the barrel and hop up:The key here is lubricating sparingly; a little airsoft lubricant goes a long way. Using silicone airsoft ubricant (see airsoft lubricant discussion below), spray a quick, 1-second burst down the barrel and a quick burst into the BB feed point. Wipe up any excess. Allow it to penetrate for a few minutes and then fire a few BB to blow the excess out the barrel. It’s worth noting that the first 100 or so airsoft rounds you fire after silicone lubrication will be very inaccurate. This is due to the excess airsoft lubricant clinging to the BBs and causing variations to weight and airflow.
Gearbox:This it probably the most difficult airsoft lubrication task, because it involves opening up the complex gearbox. If you are not comfortable with airsoft gearbox maintenance take your gun to your local airsoft service center. As a rule of thumb you should lubricate your gearbox before using it for the first time. Airsoft manufacturers tend to use too much grease when building their gearboxes. It is a good practice to clean out that excess grease and lube it properly. Future airsoft lubrication of the gearbox should be once every 30,000-40,000 BBs. Don’t wait until your gearbox starts making noise or performance fails as that is a sign that gearbox damage may have happened already.
How to lubricate the Airsoft Gearbox:You’ll have to tear down your airsoft gun and disassemble the gear box to do this. Airsoft lubricants required are silicone Gel and white lithium grease. A good number of tutorials can be found by doing a goggle search for “airsoft gearbox lubrication”. You’ll find both videos and picture guided tutorials. Refer to those references for a how to guide. Just make sure you remove all the old grease and dirt before lubricating your airsoft gearbox. Also, make sure you do not use too much grease; it attracts dirt which causes excessive friction and heat (both damaging to moving parts).
External parts:Most Airsoft Electric Guns have a number of external moving parts that need cleaning and lubrication. A good list of external parts is: folding stock hinges, M4 dust cover hinges, site adjustment points, and any other moving parts. The best rule of thumb is to clean and lubricate these points after every skirmish. Dirt is your enemy here.
How to lubricate external airsoft parts:A small tooth brush, a rag, canned air and airsoft silicone lubricant are all you’ll need to do this. Clean the moving part lightly with a tooth brush to loosen dirt and debris. Use the canned air to blow away the debris and dirt. Use the rag to wipe up any excess debris or moisture. Using airsoft safe lubricant, spray a small amount on the moving part, hinge, spring, etc. Wipe up any excess.
Airsoft Silicone Lubricant
This is the single most important item for safe and effective airsoft lubrication. Only use pure silicone labeled for use on airsoft guns. Airsoft safe lubricants use non-petroleum based, inert propellants that will not harm the rubber and plastic parts on your airsoft gun. Most of the silicone lubricants you get from the hardware store contain petroleum products or Hexane as a propellant. These compounds will eat the rubber on your hop up and can stain or weaken the plastic parts on your airsoft gun. Never use WD-40 or similar products. Your gun will quickly become junk from the compounds in these products if you use them. Check with your airsoft dealer for the airsoft safe lubrication they carry or recommend.
Airsoft guns, like any mechanical device are prone to heat and friction which cause wear. While you cannot prevent eventual failure of mechanical devices over time, you can take steps to reduce wear and get the most life out of your airsoft gun as possible. A proper maintenance program that includes regular airsoft lubrication is the key to getting the most out of your airsoft gun.